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Portfolio Gain/Loss Report - Display Features

Note that the report includes transactions after the beginning date up to and including the ending date.  So, for example, if the date of the report is from Dec. 31, 2001 to Jan. 31, 2002, then any transactions entered on Dec. 31, 2001 are not displayed.  They are included in computing the value on Dec. 31, 2001.  So the report is basically from after the closing bell on Dec. 31, 2001 to after the closing bell on Jan. 31, 2002.

Print Summary Values Only

If you do not want the information for all the transactions or individual securities printed in the report, check this option.  Just the summary information at the bottom of the window will be printed along with the usual header.

Fee Headings

The Fee1 and Fee2 fields are provided for flexibility.  One or both of these fields may be permanently hidden from view, and if they are hidden, then any value associated with the fields will not appear in the summary information at the bottom of the report.  You may toggle the hidden feature from the "View" menu option.  The Fee1 and Fee2 field headings may also be renamed (up to 16 characters) - see the "Edit" menu.  Note that these choices and edits will affect the treatment of the Fee Headings when entering transactions (see Fee Headings in the Transactions chapter).


When entering transaction as a Buy, it is suggested that commissions and fees be booked on the side of the security and not in a money market account (see Add Transactions).  The amounts will then be accurately included in the "Net Additions" field at the bottom summary.  When a sale is made, the commission or fee is taken out of the sale amount, and that difference is booked on the side of the money market account.  The commission/fee on the sale will therefore not be reflected in the "Net Additions", but the program will account for it in the Commission/Fee field at the bottom summary.

Income/Capital Gain

These amounts are summed up between the beginning and ending date of the report, if any such transactions were entered.

Net Additions

Any Buys or Sells are summed up and reported.  Commissions are included as noted above.


This is simply the value on the beginning date, plus the net additions, and then subtracted from the value at the ending date.

View Error Log

Should an error occur during the computation of values, the error is listed in a log file that can be viewed.  Most often, the error is likely a closing price that does not exist for one of the chosen dates.  The most recent date before the date in question for which there is data is used, and, of course, the report won't be as accurate.  The Error Log serves as a tool to allow you to correct the mistakes so that the report can be as accurate as possible.

Internal Rate of Return

For explanation of this number, see Internal Rate of Return.  As mentioned in that section, the value may not be unique in some circumstances (this is not a very frequent practical occurrence).  As a result, you may try to "seed" the generator with another number to see if you get a different result.  You can also try this if the program initially displays a "N/A", which means the program couldn't find a number using the "seeds" it used.  Click on the "Try Another IRR" button and type in some number you think might work.  Typically, returns are in the range of -10% to 50%.  The program will use your trial number and see if it works or if there are any solutions that are "close by" the number you chose.  More often than not, the original figure will be redisplayed, meaning that it is the best solution obtained so far.